Embracing the future – plenty we can do!

Embracing the future – plenty we can do!

Embracing the future – plenty we can do! Insights from new Future Risks report   It’s hard to make sense of the future outlook: there are so many issues, risks and trends which could worry us, at every scale from local to global. And we have to...
Book blog: A Paradise Built in Hell, Rebecca Solnit

Book blog: A Paradise Built in Hell, Rebecca Solnit

Book blog: A Paradise Built in Hell, Rebecca Solnit Positive news on community responses to disasters We’re clearly in an era of mounting disasters: not just incidents like hurricanes, but longer-term systemic disasters like habitat loss and food supply failures. This...
Thomas Berry: ‘The Dream of the Earth’

Thomas Berry: ‘The Dream of the Earth’

How the universe story can give us hope Berry has an unusual, eloquent, and valuable view of how we humans got into the current crisis, and how to move out of it.  This view is powerfully presented in the ‘Dream of the Earth’, one of his many books. Thomas Berry...
Six basic steps for soul resilience

Six basic steps for soul resilience

1. Evolve and use regularly some good processes to compost difficult emotions This step is really foundational: if you are carrying unprocessed negative feelings, such as fear, anger, worry, it makes soul connection very difficult. There’s a whole chapter about...
Naming a dream: is it spiritual adaptation?

Naming a dream: is it spiritual adaptation?

Still seeking a better response to the climate crisis In fairy stories, often the hero/ine forgets the purpose of their quest, and a chance event reminds them. This happened to me recently: I was on a Zoom call about Deep Adaptation, and suddenly an American woman...