Ever wonder about a life beyond this one?

Ever wonder about a life beyond this one?

Book blog: Journey of Souls by Michael Newton Perhaps covid-19 has made many of us reflect about our mortality, and wonder if this increasingly strange world is a preparation for something else. I have long believed that our soul lives long before and after a human...
Befriending your soul: starting a dialogue

Befriending your soul: starting a dialogue

There was a time around age 40 when I felt that the interest of life was thinning out: friends from early adulthood were drifting away, my kids were turning into grumpy teenagers, work challenges became samey. However, now I’m in my early seventies, I’ve seen my life...
Testimony of Light by Helen Greaves

Testimony of Light by Helen Greaves

Is there an afterlife beyond this human one? What is it like? If we knew more about the afterlife, could that guide our human life here and now? This book offers some of the most convincing answers to these questions that I have found. There are two voices in this...
Creating a Life Together, by Diana Leafe Christian

Creating a Life Together, by Diana Leafe Christian

Creating a Life Together, by Diana Leafe Christian Invaluable wisdom for community projects This book is a must for anyone wanting to set up or join any kind of residential community, such as a cohousing group or back-to-the-land settlement. The author was editor of...